Transparency Portal

Transparency Portal

Founded by Mr. Gutierrez and helped by Mr. García, Expert and Lawyer respectively, Judicial Expert Spain is designed so that from any city in Spain, www.peritojudicialpañ serves as a reference in the world of expertise, by contacting Client with the right professional for each examination. Judicial Expert Spain, will always be attentive to any type of price that he considers abusive or out of market, being rejected. We seek excellence, a fair price and an honorable job. Judicial Expert Spain, it is clear, does not hide its benefits. The fees of Judicial Expert Spain, once accepted by them, will be 5% of the final price, considering that the work and dedication, as well as the professionalism and responsibility of contacting the best of the professionals for our clients, will be and it will serve as a starting point to consolidate ourselves in the market of surveys, with loyalty and honesty.

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